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>> 英语乐园


央视国际 2003年06月12日 16:22

  1. 仲春的石家庄百花盛开,春芽吐翠,生机盎然。虽然地处内陆,河北的年轻人追求知识,学习英语的热情却丝毫不输给沿海地区。第四届希望之星英语风采大赛河北赛区的比赛从启动时起,便在这片土地上搅起了阵阵春潮,为城市增添了几许兴奋与期待。

  With the flowers in bloom, trees sprouting, spring is very much in the air of Shijiazhuang. Living in the inland province of Hebei, young people here are eager to learn English as much as their peers in the coastal area. The 4th Star of Outlook English Talent Competition has been adding excitement and expectation to the city from the beginning.

  赵音奇:Hi, I’m saying hello to you from this beautiful city of Shijiazhuang. It’s not far away so it does not seem to be an exhausting trip and we’ll get to work very soon. Now I’m standing before Hebei TV Center and we’ll have the local competition here. So no break and get to work.

  我在美丽的石家庄市向你问好. 这儿离北京不算远所以旅途不怎么劳累, 我们将很快开始工作. 我现在是在河北电视中心,河北分赛区决赛在此进行. 没有休息, 开始工作吧!


  The competition today is going to be filmed in the 300 m2 studio of Hebei TV Station and aired on the education channel of Hebei TV. First things first. I begin my work by making up.


  Oh, the finalists of Hebei have begun preparing their speeches already. Some of them are from outside Shijiazhuang. Let’s take a look at how well they prepare.

  Tell us where you are from.

  I’m from Baoding No.3 High school. I’m in grade 3, class271.

  What attracts you to join this competition?

  First I’d like to say the Outlook is wonderful. It attracts tens of thousands of students to watch it, including me. I watched this program last year on CCTV10. Not only the winners but also the other contestants had impressed me a lot. So I am one of them today.





  赵:OK, the contestants are ready and I am ready too. Let’s go!


  4. 虽然今年河北是第一次设立一个独立的赛区,但是选手报名的热情空前高涨,经过初赛和复赛,6000多名选手中的32人进入了今天的决赛。刚才有选手告诉我,他们来自外地,要坐车几百公里才能到石家庄参加比赛,这种参与精神的确是难能可贵。

  Although it is the first time for Hebei to be in the qualification contest, the number of entries from this district is unprecedented. Only 32 contestants out of 6000 survived the first and second rounds. A few of them tell me before the contest that they are from some other cities and they have to travel for hundreds of kilometers to come and participate. That is something commendable.

  I have a sweet home because it is full of love. My dad loves me. He is kind and patient.

  我有一个温暖的家,因为它充满了爱. 我爸爸很爱我,他既和蔼又耐心.

  There are two purposes. One is to give my daughter the opportunity to show her talent and ability. The other is to train my daughter’s spirit of cooperation and competition, which is very important for her future career.

  参加比赛有两个目的. 一是给我女儿一个展示才能的机会, 二是为了训练她的合作与竞争精神,这对她的发展非常重要.

  5. 为了保证大赛的水平,为了地方赛区比赛的顺利进行,大赛组委会付出了许多艰辛的努力。

  To guarantee the high level of the national finals, and the smooth running of the local contests, the organizing committee put forth a lot of effort.

  6. 激动人心的时刻到了,经过激烈的较量,刘卜毓,张博和贾如馨分别获得了大中小学组的冠军,同时获得了代表河北省参加全国总决赛的资格。

  The exciting moment finally comes. After fierce competition, Liu Boyu, Zhangbo and Jia Ruxin won the first place of the adults, the teenagers, and the children’s groups, respectively. They are about to compete in the national finals of the 4th Star of Outlook English Talent Competition, representing Hebei.

  My suggestion to them as they get ready is to try to stay in English as much as possible, to speak English as much as possible so that when they get there, English is in their mind. Then it would be very easy for them to deal with different topics and in different situations.

  我对将参加全国决赛的选手的建议是尽可能运用英语,尽量多听, 多说英语.这样当他们参赛时,英语已经在头脑中了.这样就能很容易地应对不同的题目和各种情景.

  I’ll do my best in the final contest.


  Well, it’s the end of your journey today but it’s not the end of mine. I’m going to rush to the next stop. So see you there, bye bye!


(编辑:英子 来源:)
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