Headline News


DPRK test-fires 6 missiles


07-05-2006 11:54

The U.S. Security Department reports that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has launched at least six missiles, including the long-range Taepodong-2, today (WED). Officials from the department have called this latest DPRK move "provocative", and in defiance of the international community.

U.S. officials say that the Taepodong-2 was among the six missiles fired. The Taepodong is a multi-stage missile that is able to strike as far as Alaska. But military sources say the long-range missile fizzled out within forty-two seconds of its launch. Two other Scud-type short-range missiles landed in the Japan Sea. The United States is in urgent consultations with the U.N. Security Council, as they work out a response to this launch.

A French spokesman confirms that the U.N. Security Council plans to meet in a closed session today (Wednesday) to address this long-anticipated launch from the DPRK.


Editor:Ge Ting