Headline News


DPRK calls sanctions´ end


07-12-2006 13:46

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea has called for an end to US sanctions before Six-party talks can begin. Visiting DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Hyong-jun made the statement at a press conference, following talks with his South African counterpart Aziz Pahad in Pretoria.

The DPRK's recent missile tests were the main topic in discussions between the two ministers in the South African capital. Kim Hyong-jun defended his country's legitimate right to missile tests, saying that the latest launches were part of a routine military exercise. The vice minister also attacked the United States for its military exercise with Japan in waters off the Korea Peninsula.

Kim said the DPRK would stop launching missiles if the US halted its military exercises, which he described as being disruptive to peace on the Korea Peninsula. He said that his country is willing to return to six-party talks on its nuclear program if the US drops financial sanctions against Pyongyang.

Kim said: "As soon as the United States lifts the financial sanctions, we will readily participate in the next round of the six-party talks."

Kim's comments came amid accelerated international efforts to find a diplomatic solution to a crisis sparked by Pyongyang's missile tests last week. South Africa Foreign Minister Pahad called on the DPRK to stop the missile tests and to return to the six-party talks unconditionally.


Editor:Ge Ting