Headline News


DPRK nuclear


10-04-2006 07:55

China has responded to the DPRK's latest announcement. The Chinese representative to the United Nations, Wang Guangya, has emphasized a need to return to six-party talks. And, the US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, has said he hopes to develop a coherent strategy for dealing with the DPRK. United Nations Security Council members will meet formally on Wednesday to discuss a response.

Wang Guangya, China’s Representative to UN said: "I do believe that the best way, the best channel to address this issue is through the six-party talks, so of course the Security Council can reflect on what way the Council can be helpful if all Council members agree, but I think the main channel, the main mechanism is still the six-party talks."

John Bolton, US Ambassador to UN said: "What I urged today was that the Security Council actually engage in something we talk a lot about, but don't do very much of, which is preventative diplomacy. To come up not just with a knee-jerk reaction to the North Korean announcement, but to develop a coherent strategy to prevent, to convince them that it's not in their interest to engage in nuclear testing."


Editor:Ge Ting