Headline News


DPRK says it will conduct nuclear test


10-04-2006 08:03

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea says it will carry out a nuclear test, this, as "a war deterrent" against the US policy of hostility.

The DPRK's Foreign Ministry announced on television that it would conduct a nuclear test, but did not say where or when this would happen.

The DPRK said it would implement its international commitment on nuclear non-proliferation "as a reasponsible nuclear weapons state"

The statement accused the United States of adopting a hostile policy toward the DPRK, saying that's why it must conduct a nuclear test, as a way of bolstering its war deterrence.

Security officials in the Republic of Korea will meet on Wednesday to discuss how they will respond if such a test takes place.

In Seoul, people were divided on how to react to their northern neighbour's announcement.

Ahn Byung-Yul, ROK citizen said: "I think the best way for the North is to discard bad and unharmonious thoughts, to come back to the liberal community and to join the six-party talks to resolve problems."

But others said the DPRK had a right to defend itself.

Kim Tae-Jung, ROK citizen said: "I am not nervous at all. We're brothers, and the North will not attack us. How can we stop them when they say they need this for self-defence?"

Meanwhile, Japan's new prime minister Shinzo Abe said a nuclear test by the DPRK would be "unforgivable". He warned of a "stern response" if the country did not stop its nuclear weapon and missile programs.


Editor:Ge Ting