Headline News


UN urges DPRK to cancel nuke test 


10-07-2006 08:11

The UN Security Council is urging the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to cancel a planned nuclear test and return immediately and without preconditions to the Six-Party disarmament Talks. The Statement warns that the Council will take more action if the DPRK goes ahead with nuclear tests.

The statement sends a strong signal of the UN Security Council's deep concern over plans by the DPRK, announced Tuesday, to conduct a nuclear test. It's urging Pyongyang to restrain itself .saying that such a test will not help the country address its security concerns, or strengthen its defense.

In the statement, the Security Council stresses that a nuclear test would represent a clear threat to international peace and security. The Council is threatening to act according to the Charter of the United Nations if the DPRK continues to defy the international community.

US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, said the statement has clearly signaled strong disapproval from all Council members.

US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton said:"The main point is that North Korea should understand how strongly the United States and many other council members feel that they should not test this nuclear device and if they do test it, it will be a very different world the day after the test."

Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, said the statement sent a clear message to the DPRK that the Security Council wants a prompt resumption of the Six-Party talks.

Meanwhile, Japan's Foreign Ministry warned that the country will push for a punitive UN resolution if the DPRK fails to heed the UN statement, and goes ahead with its nuclear test.


Editor:Lu Yuying