Headline News


Reactions to DPRK’s nuclear test 


10-10-2006 08:18

China has joined countries from around the world in sending strong messages of opposition to the DPRK, in response to its first-ever nuclear weapons test carried out today. The underground test came a week after Pyongyang warned it would happen.

The DPRK's official Korean Central News Agency, reported the test was conducted underground on Monday and that there had been no radioactive leaks from the site.

The agency said the nuclear test will contribute to maintaining peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and surrounding region.

China says it's resolutely opposed to the nuclear test. In a statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, China strongly demanded the DPRK live up to its commitment of non-nuclearization on the Korean Peninsula. China called for the halt to any activity that may worsen the situation and a return to six-party talks.

Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing spoke with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Monday afternoon, reiterating China's solemn position on the issue.

Sources from South Korea's presidential office say Seoul will deal sternly with the DPRK over its actions, and that South Korea supports immediate UN Security Council deliberation.

South Korean Prime Minister Han Myeong-sook and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have discussed the action, calling for calm.

Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso says he's discussed the tests with South Korea and the US. The three countries agree if the test can be authenticated, the move will be considered a threat to peace and stability in northeast Asia and the world.

The United States says a nuclear test by the DPRK constitutes a provocative act in defiance of the international community, and has called for immediate UN Security Council action.

Australian Prime Minister John Howard also condemned the test, saying it has destabilized the region and eroded the DPRK's own security. Howard said Australian plans to lobby the UN Security Council to take a swift action against the DPRK.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair also referred the nuclear test in DPRK as an "irresponsible act".


·Chinese Foreign Ministry Statement: Details >>

Strongly demanded the DPRK live up to its commitment of non-nuclearization on the Korean Peninsula.

Called for the halt to any activity that may worsen the situation and a return to six-party talks.

·Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing:  Details >>

Reiterated China's solemn position on the issue as announced by the Foreign Ministry's statement while talking with US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.


·Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso:

Japan, South Korea and the US agree providing the test is authenticated, it will be considered a threat to peace and stability in northeast Asia and the world.


·White House:

A nuclear test by the DPRK constitutes a provocative act in defiance of the international community.

Called for immediate UN Security Council action.


·Prime Minister John Howard:

Condemned a nuclear test by the DPRK.

Considers the test has destabilized the region and eroded the DPRK's own security.


·British Prime Minister Tony Blair:

Refereed to the nuclear test in DPRK as an irresponsible act.


Editor:Sun Luying