Headline News


Hu, Bush discuss DPRK nuclear test 


10-10-2006 08:31

The purported nuclear test by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea continues to dominate the headlines. The presidents of China and the US have exchanged views on the test by phone. President Hu Jintao said the Chinese Foreign Ministry has issued a statement, demanding the DPRK stop any activity that might worsen the situation. China is calling for a calm response and a peaceful resolution through dialogue and consultation.

The Chinese president said it's China's firm and consistent stance to realize a non-nuclear Korean Peninsula and oppose proliferation of nuclear weapons. President George W. Bush called the nuclear test "a dangerous move." But he said the US considers the issue can still be solved through diplomatic channels, and will continue to communicate with China.

Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing was also on the phone Monday, to discuss the DPRK's nuclear test with his British counterpart Margaret Beckett. Li reaffirmed the consistent stance of the Chinese government. Beckett said the UK regards China's statement on the issue as responsible and forceful.


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·Reactions to DPRK's nuclear test 
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·Abe in South Korean : DPRK nuclear test overshadows talks 
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China Reaction

·China resolutely opposes DPRK´s nuclear test


Editor:Sun Luying