Headline News


UN condemns DPRK’s nuclear test 


10-10-2006 08:35

The UN Security Council has held an urgent meeting over the DPRK's claim of a nuclear test. Council members delivered their unanimous condemnation. The Security Council also urged Pyongyang to return to the six-party talks.

All fifteen members of the UN Security Council are in agreement this time, over the DPRK's nuclear test.

Current President of the Security Council, Japan's UN Ambassador Kenzo Oshima, promised strong UN Security Council response.

Kenzo Oshima, Japanese ambassador said, “It is the desire of the UN Security Council to find appropriate measures in order to respond to this act of DPRK which poses a threat to peace and security in the region and beyond. Council members emphasize that the response of the council should be strong, swift and very, very clear in its message and in its action.”

The council is also keeping the possibility for negotiation on the table.

Wang Guangya, Chinese ambassador to UN said, “I think that we have to react firmly, but also I believe on the other hand, that the door to resolve this issue from a diplomatic point of view is still open.”

France's Ambassador, Jean-Marc de La Sabliere, said the Council must now act, saying the test poses a serious threat to international peace and security.

Britain's Ambassador, Emyr Jones-Parry, called Pyongyang's irresponsible.

At an experts meeting to be held later today, the council will consider a draft resolution put forward by the US. It proposes stringent UN sanctions, including a trade ban on military and luxury items, the power to inspect all cargo entering or leaving the DPRK, and freezing assets connected with its weapons programs.


DPRK Conducts Nuclear Test


Editor:Sun Luying