Headline News


China opposes DPRK nuclear test 


10-11-2006 08:53

The Chinese Foreign Ministry says it's opposed to the nuclear test carried out by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Officials say they're working with all parties concerned to help resolve the issue.

Pyongyang's announcement of a nuclear test on Monday stunned the world. Chinese diplomats responded to the incident swiftly, condemning it in strong terms.

Liu Jianchao, spokesman of Chinese Foreign Minister said, “It has been the consistent stance of the Chinese government to achieve de-nulcearization of the Korean Peninsula, and to prevent proliferation. The DPRK ignored universal opposition from the international community and flagrantly declared a nuclear test on October the 9th. The Chinese government is resolutely opposed to it.”

Liu Jianchao said that if the DPRK continues on the nuclear path, Pyongyang will risk damaging its relations with China. He said China will continue to play an active role in trying to prevent a worsening of the regional situation.

Liu also said, “China is actively exchanging views with all the parties concerned and is discussing responsive measures with the UN Security Council members. We will closely monitor the development of the situation. All the efforts we are making should be beneficial to de-nuclearization, to regional stability, and to a negotiated solution. So far, the six party talks mechanism is still the best approach to resolve this problem.”

Liu said Monday's test once again showed the complexity of the nuclear issue. And its resolution will require calm and concerted efforts.

Wang Xiqing from Beijing said, “The Foreign Ministry says it stands firm on its position to de-nuclearize the Korean Peninsula. It adds that the Chinese government wants Pyongyang to live up to its commitments, and refrain from any action that could escalate tension. It also calls for an early return to the Six-party talks.”


Editor:Sun Luying