Headline News


Premier Wen meets ASEAN leaders 


10-30-2006 16:57

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has met with the leaders of five ASEAN countries, including the Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Cambodia. The two sides spoke highly of the positive development of bilateral relations and expressed their willingness to become good neighbors and cooperative partners.

During his meeting with Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Premier Wen thanked the Philippines for its contributions to the convening of the China-ASEAN summit, as it currently holds the rotating ASEAN presidency.

On bilateral economic relations, Wen said he hoped the two countries will fully complete their major cooperative projects in agriculture, infrastructure construction and mineral resources exploitation.

Wen also hoped the two countries will make further efforts to achieve substantial progress in the joint development of the South China Sea, as they have already agreed.

Echoing Wen's views, Arroyo also suggested that the two sides will soon sign an agreement on comprehensive economic cooperation.