Headline News


Christopher Hill: Expecting resuming six-party talks


Source: | 11-21-2006 09:05

Top US nuclear negotiator, Christopher Hill, has arrived in Beijing, to continue talks that began at the recent APEC meeting in Hanoi. He's expecting to lay the groundwork for resuming the Six-party talks on nuclear disarmament in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Hill said: "I've just come here to Beijing at the request of my President and Secretary of State to continue our discussions with the Chinese. As you know we had considerable discussions in Hanoi and I am here as part of that process. And as you know we've said all-along that the six party talks need to be very well prepared and so this is part of that process."

Hill's visit follows discussions held at a recent meeting of Pacific Rim economic leaders in Hanoi. The leaders talked about the DPRK's nuclear issue and stressed the importance of resuming stalled disarmament talks. China, Russia, South Korea, Japan, the US and the DPRK are members of the Six-party talks and they've already agreed to restart negotiations next month. The DPRK's envoy to the Six-Party talks is also expected to arrive in Beijing later today (TUESDAY).


Editor:Wang Ping