Headline News


UK troops in Iraq would withdraw in phases by early next year

Source: | 11-23-2006 08:47

The British Foreign Secretary says British forces could hand over security responsibilities in Basra to Iraqi forces in phases by spring of next year.

British troops are mostly stationed in and around the southern Iraqi city of Basra. Margaret Beckett made the comments to lawmakers in the British House of Commons on Wednesday. This is the first firm indication of withdrawal made by a British government minister. But other officials are stressing it's a hope, and not a strict timetable.

Margaret Beckett of UK Foreign Secretary said, "As I made clear to the house at the end of October, the process of transferring security responsibilities to Iraqi security forces is well underway. We accept Najaf to be the next province to be transferred to Iraqi control in December, and our own area of responsibility we except Maysan to follow in January and the progress of our current operation in Basra gives us confidence that we may be able to achieve transition in that province too at some point next spring."


Editor:Sun Luying