Headline News


Iran’s president offers to help the U.S. in Iraq


Source: | 11-27-2006 09:48

Special Report:   Iraq in Transition

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says he could help the US to stabilize Iraq. But only if Washington changes its "bullying" policy toward Iran.

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad delivered a speech to a group of members of the Basij, Iran's paramilitary group which is affiliated to the Revolutionary Guard.

He said Iran was ready to help the United States and Britain with the situation in Iraq but only if they pledged to change their attitude and withdraw their troops.

The remark comes amid growing calls for Washington to engage Iraq's neighbors, Iran and Syria, to help prevent Iraq plunging into civil war.

The Iranian president also criticized what he says is a hostile U.S. and British attitude to Iran, particularly over its disputed nuclear programme.

A senior U.S. official said this month Washington was "in principle" ready to discuss Iraq with Iran but said the timing of such talks was unclear.

Ahmadinejad has previously said he would talk but only if Washington changed its behavior.


Editor:Sun Luying