Headline News


Japanese nuclear negotiator arrived Beijing for the next round of the six-party talks

Source: | 11-27-2006 13:26

A Japanese nuclear negotiator has arrived in Beijing for the next round of the six-party talks which is presumed to be held in mid-December.

The visit is made by Kenichiro Sasae, head of the Japanese Foreign Ministry's Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau. He is set to follow the China tour made by US Assistant Secretary of State, Christopher Hill. One week ago, Hill visited China to push talks for a nuclear-free Korean Peninsular.

In the latest for the possible next round of 6 party talks, Chief negotiator of the Republic of Korea Chun Yun Woo arrived here in Beijing this morning. And US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill is also expected to arrive in Beijing today.

Stalled for more than a year, the six party talks is now on the verge of resumption.

Kenichiro Sasae Japan's top negoriator said," It's important to let Pyongyang give up its nuclear ambition step by step. We will talk about it in much detail this time."

Sasae is expected to meet with Wu Dawei, China's chief negotiator in the 6 party talks. He will also hold one on one talks with Christopher Hill, the top American negotiator. But

Japanese media has reported that a possible bilateral dialogue between Japan and DPRK,this time remains slim.


Editor:Sun Luying