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US president Bush: No civil war in Iraq


Source: | 11-29-2006 13:37

Special Report:   Iraq in Transition

US President George W. Bush will meet today with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. The two leaders plan to develop strategies for quelling the increasing violence in Iraq.

Sectarian violence is prompting some to say the country is on the brink of civil war. But ahead of the two-day meeting with Maliki in Jordan, Bush has brushed aside such notions. He has reaffirmed the US will not withdraw its forces before completing its mission of building a stable Iraqi democracy.

US President George W. Bush is facing growing pressure from home and abroad to change the United States' course of action in Iraq.

On his way to a NATO summit in Estonia on Tuesday, Bush would not describe the bloodshed in Iraq as civil war.

Mr president bush said,"We have been in this phase for a while and the fundamental objective is to work with the Iraqis to create conditions so that the vast majority will be able to see that there is a peaceful way forward. The bombings that took recently was a part of a pattern that has been going on for about nine months."

Iraq is now reeling from the deadliest week of sectarian fighting since the war began in March 2003.

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has visited Tehran to discuss Iran's role in quelling the violence. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has promised his country will do what it can to help.

President Bush has noted that the Iraqi government is free to talk with Iran. But, the US will not agree to direct talks until Iran suspends its nuclear fuel enrichment.

Asked what the difference was, Bush said the recent bombings were al-Qaeda attacks aimed at provoking conflict between religious groups.


Editor:Ji Xuewen