Headline News


Sadr bloc protests the Iraq PM and US President talks


Source: | 11-30-2006 09:10

Special Report:   Iraq in Transition

An Iraqi political bloc says it's suspending participation in the Iraqi government, to protest their Prime Minister's meeting in Jordan with US President George W. Bush. The bloc includes legislators and Cabinet ministers loyal to Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

The statement was issued by 30 Iraqi lawmakers and five cabinet ministers belonging to Sadr's political bloc.

They said the presence of US troops was the main cause of spiraling bloodshed in Iraq. They also blame the troops for last week's horrific blasts in Sadr City, which killed more than 200 people.

Saleh Al Egeli, Iraqi Parliament Member said, "The Sadrist bloc in the Parliament and the ministers of the Sadr bloc have suspended their participation in the parliament and the government, protesting this visit which is considered as provocation to the feelings of the Iraqi people and a violation of their constitutional rights."

Meanwhile, Wednesday saw violence continue unabated across parts of Iraq.

The sound of blasts echoed through Baghdad, a city still on edge since a curfew was lifted on Monday.

Heavy fighting also continues in Baqouba, 60 kilometers northeast of Baghdad, between coalition forces and Sunni insurgents.

And to the west of Baghdad, US forces have also exchanged fire with gunmen in the city of Ramadi.

Dozens of militants and civilians have been killed, and the US military has announced the deaths of two more American soldiers.

Death toll in Sadr City bombings rises to 200
Iraqi death toll hits a record high in Oct.

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Editor:Du Xiaodan