Headline News


World powers fail to agree on Iran

Source: | 12-06-2006 16:36

Six world powers meeting in Paris have failed to agree a draft UN resolution on sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program.

France, Britain and Germany are pushing for a solution by year's end and want talks moved back to New York.

Senior diplomats from Germany and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council discussed possible sanctions against Iran in response to its refusal to stop sensitive nuclear work.

France, Germany and Britain told Russia they want a UN resolution on sanctions to be passed by the end of the year.

Russia, after forcing the Europeans to water down their sanctions plans over the past weeks, indicated a compromise might be possible.

Yet the six parties remain divided over the proposed bans on exports of sensitive materials, an assets freeze and travel ban on individuals and groups involved in Iran's nuclear program.

The Russians would only agree to export bans on more technology and materials that could be used in Iran's nuclear or ballistic missile programs.

France, Britain and Germany felt the time had come to move their negotiations back to the UN in New York.

If passed, the sanctions would be a first phase of punishment against Iran for its failure to comply with an August 31st UN deadline to suspend uranium enrichment, which can produce fuel for nuclear power plants and bombs.


Editor:Ji Xuewen