Headline News


Iran: UN sanctions won´t force Iran to abandon its nuclear program


Source: | 12-07-2006 13:12

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki says UN sanctions won't force Iran to abandon its nuclear program.

He made the comments Wednesday at the Hague, in reference to a possible UN Security Council resolution against his country.

The Security Council and diplomats from other key nations met in Paris on Tuesday to discuss possible sanctions against Iran. Mottaki added that he was against any limitations on Tehran conducting nuclear testing for peaceful purposes.

Tranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki said, "Nuclear technology is a right for all the countries. We are against any limitation to realize this right for the countries, as I mentioned, for peaceful purposes. Sanction does not work and we do hope all the parties continue the previous right option, which was continuation of negotiations."


Editor:Ji Xuewen