Headline News


Iran hosts Holocaust conference


Source: | 12-12-2006 13:48

Iran has opened an international conference to discuss the Holocaust a move that has sparked widespread controversy.

The gathering was initiated by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has described the Holocaust, as a "MYTH". Iran insists that the conference is not an attempt to deny the World War Two genocide, it's aimed at discussing the holocaust in an unrestricted atmosphere.

The two-day conference has drawn over sixty foreign researchers.

Several Orthodox Jews were among the conference guests.

This man, from Jews United Against Zionism, claims that the Holocaust is being used for political purposes. Six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust.

A French researcher said more evidence of the horrific tragedy is needed. He said, "You have to provide us with proof and testimonies. Otherwise it is no more than a belief."

Iranian Foreign Minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, said some country's disapproval of this conference is unreasonable.

"I believe the clear message of this conference will be received by those interested in knowing the truth of the issue. There is no logical reason to reject this conference." Said Mottaki.

The conference has been condemned by Germany, Israel and the US.


Editor:Ji Xuewen