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Iran questions Holocaust during World War II


Source: | 12-13-2006 13:30

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has held an international conference to question the existence of the Holocaust during World War Two.

And, in his most recent remarks, he has said Israel's remaining days are numbered and the state would soon be wiped off the map. With these remarks,Ahmadinejad has once again sparked an international outcry. Gui Xiaozeng takes a closer look.

The delegates at the Holocaust conference included ultra-Orthodox anti-Israel Jews, as well as European and American writers who argue the Holocaust was either fabricated or exaggerated.

Ahmadinejad launched another verbal attack on Israel by claiming that it's using the killing of six million Jews in World War Two as an excuse to commit crimes against Middle East nations.

President Ahmadinejad said, "Whether the Holocaust happened or did not, was extensive or limited, unfortunately, today it has become an excuse for some states to create a basis for constant invasion, threatening and putting pressure on the region's nations."

Iran hosts Holocaust conference. Full story >>

The United States, the European Commission and Israel have condemned the Tehran meeting. And Germany has also rebuked the conference.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed, "I want to condemn the conference in Iran about the non-existence of the Holocaust. We do not accept this proposition and we never will. We absolutely reject this, with all our strength. Germany will never accept this and will act against it with all the means that we have."

The Iranian government dismissed the foreign criticism as predictable. Delegates at the meeting have agreed to form a "fact-finding" committee to study the Holocaust.


Editor:Ji Xuewen