Headline News


China-US economic dialogue: Interview Michael Barbalas


Source: | 12-15-2006 11:08

For more about China and US business ties, CCTV reporter Liu Ying talked to Michael Barbalas, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in China. Barbalas believes US businesses, especially small and medium sized companies, have huge growth potential in the Chinese market.

CCTV reporter asks several questions to Michael Barbalas, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in China.

1. From the standpoint of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, what kind of market environment do you hope both countries can jointly create for businesses through this strategic economic dialogue?

2. What do you think of China's progress in its reform and opening up, as well as China's fulfillment of its WTO commitments?

3. The balance of trade is expected to be an issue topping the agenda of the dialogue. From China's perspective, though China has a large trade surplus, the US has reaped substantial profits from bilateral trade, because a large part of China's exports to the US have come from US corporations investing in China. How do you think of this issue?

4. China's import capacity is expected to grow rapidly over the next five years. How do you see the opportunities that such a trend will provide for US exporters?

5. Intellectual property rights is another important issue. How do you see the progress of IPR protection in China? What are the areas that need further improvement?

6. With the Democratic Party resuming the control of the US congress after the mid-term elections, some say there might be some changes on US policy towards China. Is this a concern for US businesses investing in China?


Editor:Du Xiaodan