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6-party talks: Chief US envoy urges real achievement

Source: | 12-21-2006 17:20

Negotiators in Beijing were hoping for progress on Thursday on dismantling the DPRK's nuclear weapons program. However, the DPRK's preoccupation with US financial curbs against it could scuttle a deal.

Top US negotiator Christopher Hill reiterated that the financial disputes between the United States and the DPRK were separate from the denuclearization issue.

Hill expressed, "I think they have a great deal of problem separating that, and so it is difficult to engage them on other subject when they came in with a very strong view on financial issues."

Financial sanctions imposed on the DPRK was one of the key stumbling blocks that have stalled the six-party talks since September 2005. The financial talks were held on the sidelines of the fresh meeting of the six-party talks, which entered their fourth day on Thursday.

Hill said the parties needed to take steps in implementing the September joint statement which promised aid to the DPRK and security assurances in return for nuclear disarmament.

"We need to get on with task of implementing the September agreement and we do believe it that there are some elements of that September agreement that should begin to get implemented even this week." Said Hill.

Hill said the talks were not easy, and did not want to predict whether they would succeed or fail.


Editor:Ji Xuewen