Headline News


Japan: Norwalk virus outbreak

Source: | 12-26-2006 14:25

The worst outbreak of contagious gastrointestinal disease in a quarter century has hit Japan. A number of people have already died of it.

A survey conducted by local authorities shows that since November, about ten thousand people have been infected by the Norwalk virus. This is five times higher than the same period last year. Norwalk viruses often live as parasites in shellfish, especially oysters. People can be easily infected by eating contaminated seafood. The viruses are passed on in the stool of infected persons, who normally recover in two to three days. Some ways to prevent Norwalk virus infection include washing hands after toilet visits and before eating food, and also cooking all shellfish thoroughly before eating.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has warned all Chinese citizens traveling to Japan totake precautionary measures. The Ministry recommends not eating raw seafood as the best way to avoid infection.


Editor:Du Xiaodan