Headline News


Premier Wen to visit Philippines for 10th China-ASEAN summit


Source: | 01-05-2007 08:32

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will go on an official visit to the Philippines next week. As part of that he'll also attend a varity of regional gatherings.

According to spokesman Liu Jianchao, Premier Wen will attend the 10th China-ASEAN summit as well as other multi-lateral meetings to be held in the Philippine city of Cebu.

In addition, Liu said that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will visit China next Tuesday to mark the 15th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries. The leaders will also discuss the situation in the Middle East.

The spokesman also refuted recent reports about criticism from Vietnam which claimed that China's erecting of territorial sea steles in the Xisha Islands violates Vietnamese sovereignty.

"China has undisputed sovereignty over the Xisha and Nansha Islands and their contiguous areas. China has sufficient historical and legal proof of this. The erecting of territorial sea steles is entirely an internal affair of China. Foreign countries have no right to interfere." Liu Jianchao said.

Liu said China had set its territorial sea points surrounding the Xisha Islands ten years ago in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and the Law on China's Territorial Waters and their Contiguous Areas.


Editor:Du Xiaodan