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Negotiators from S. Korea, DPRK in Beijing to discuss time of new talks


Source: | 01-23-2007 09:27

Negotiators from South Korea and the DPRK are back in Beijing. They're meeting with Chinese officials to discuss the timing of the next round of talks.

Chun Yung-Woo, South Korea's envoy, arrived in the capital city on Monday. He was greeted by a throng of reporters.

Chun Yung-Woo, S. Korean six-party talks envoy, said, "I am here in Beijing to meet with Wu Dawei to discuss ways to open the next round of six-party talks and to discuss ways to bring practical progress to these talks."

The DPRK's envoy to the six-party talks, Kim Kye-gwan, also arrived in Beijing on Monday for talks with Chinese officials.

Earlier, the US chief negotiator said the Chinese government would soon announce a date for the resumption of the nuclear talks. He made the remarks amid signs of optimism after discussions with his Chinese counterpart.

Christopher Hill, US six-party talks envoy, said, "I had lengthy discussions last night with my counterpart Wu Dawei. We agreed on the need to try to get the six-party talks going as soon as possible. He will talk to the other participants."

The last session of the talks, which took place in December, has made headway on how to implement a September 2005 statement. But further progress was blocked by disagreements between the US and the DPRK.


Editor:Du Xiaodan