Headline News


Six-party talks could resume next month

Source: | 01-23-2007 15:52

The US Assistant Secretary of State says last week's talks with officials from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have laid "solid basis" for progress at the next six-party talks.

Russia's chief negotiator says the Six-party talks could resume next month. And Kyodo news agency quotes, Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso making a similar announcement.

Speaking in Beijing, the US envoy to the six-party talks, Christopher Hill, was optimistic, and said he believes China would soon announce a start date.

Hill and his DPRK counterpart Kim Kye-Gwan, met in Berlin over the resumption of the talks last week. Hill described the talks as useful and productive.

A State Department spokesman said the US is expecting some concrete progress. But he declined to predict the date of start-up.

South Korea's nuclear envoy, Chun Yung-woo, also arrived in Beijing for talks with Chinese Counterpart Wu Dawei.

And South Korean media are reporting that the DPRK has agreed to discuss the disarmament of its nuclear weapons when talks resume.

The Yonhap news agency reported the agreement was made when Hill and the DPRK's chief nuclear envoy, Kim Kye Gwan, met in Berlin.


Editor:Du Xiaodan