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DPRK, S. Korea envoys meet in Beijing for new round of 6-party talks


Source: | 01-24-2007 09:01

Nuclear negotiations continued in Beijing on Tuesday, in preparation for a new round of six-party talks.

The envoys from South Korea and the DPRK met and both of them met with the head of China's negotiating team. South Korea and the DPRK say they're optimistic that talks will resume soon.

The top nuclear envoys from the DPRK and ROK were met by throngs of reporters after their meeting in Beijing on Tuesday.

Kim Kye-gwan from the DPRK told reporters that all parties are making efforts to prepare for further negotiations.

And his ROK counterpart Chun Yung-woo said he had frank dialogue with Kim to push the next round of the talks forward.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said China's chief negotiator, Wu Dawei, had met both parties and is expected to meet Kenichiro Sasae on Wednesday, when the Japanese envoy visits Beijing.

The spokesman said the frequent contact between the 6 parties since the latest session of the talks in December will help the process.

Liu Jianchao, spokesman Chinese foreign ministry, said, "We reached a consensus that progress should be made in 2 areas. One is to have detailed action to implement the Joint Statement. The other is to improve the mechanism for the Joint Statement and to work out a rough timetable."

China expressed the hope that all parties will maintain their current positive approach to restart the talks as soon as possible.


Editor:Du Xiaodan