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Japanese and Chinese envoys talk on resumption of 6-party talks


Source: | 01-25-2007 09:02

Nuclear negotiators are in Beijing to prepare for a resumption of the Six-party talks. Japanese envoy, Kenichiro Sasae arrived on Wednesday.

Sasae held talks with his Chinese counterpart, Wu Dawei immediately after his arrival in Beijing.

Kenichiro Sasae, Japanese envoy, said, "I talked with Mr. Wu Dawei on the possibility of the resumption of the six-party talks and assessed on the current situation. We are working with the Chinese side to coordinate different parties."

Sasae could not reveal the date for the resumption, but said China, as the host country, is making consultations. He considered the Berlin talks between DPRK and US to have laid a good foundation for the resumption.

Sasae is cautious about the possible results.

Kenichiro Sasae, Japanese envoy, said, "It is still too early to talk about the results of the six-party talks could achieve. The parties concerned will discuss it and make a report later."

On the issue of Japanese hostages, Japan's position is unchanged.

Kenichiro Sasae, Japanese envoy, said, "We have addressed this on many occasions and China expressed full understanding and will cooperate with the Japanese stance."

The parties involved have been looking at ways to expedite the resumption of the six-party talks since early January. Wu Dawei has already met the top envoys from the US, South Korea, the DPRK.


Editor:Du Xiaodan