Headline News


DPRK, US officials meet in Beijing on financial issues

Source: | 01-30-2007 14:15

U.S and DPRK officials meet face to face in Beijing this afternoon. On the agenda are U.S. imposed sanctions based on American allegations of counterfeiting and money laundering by the DPRK.

Just one hour ago, DPRK delegation touched down in Beijing. The team is headed by Oh Kwang Chul, the president of DPRK's Foreign Trade bank .US negotiator, Daniel Glaser, arrived in the Chinese Capital two days ago.

On arrival, the US Treasury Department's deputy assistant secretary for terrorist financing and financial crimes, declared he hopes for productive meetings with his DPRK counterpart. The U.S. sanctions are not part of the six-party talks on DPRK's nuclear program -- but are a key stumbling block to those negotiations.

A note on those six-party talks. Washington announced Monday it expects the talks, aimed at ending Pyongyang's nuclear program, to resume within ten days, in Beijing. The US State Department says, its top US nuclear negotiator Christopher Hill has a plane ticket for Beijing, arriving on or about February 8th.


Editor:Du Xiaodan