Headline News


US negotiator Hill demands DPRK must get out of nuclear business


Source: | 02-06-2007 09:05

America's top nuclear negotiator is in Tokyo ahead of the next round of six-party talks they resume in Beijing later this week. Christopher Hill says Pyongyang must implement past agreements and get out of the nuclear business.

Hill said, "We must implement the full statement, the full September statement, meaning that the DPRK must get out of this nuclear business entirely. How much of that we can accomplish this week, we have to find out. The purpose of this whole exercise is get the North Koreans to stop operating this terrible nuclear reactor, and telling us what programs they have so we can begin to see that those programs are dismantled and abandoned. We need to get going on denuclearization."

Earlier in the day, Japan said it's not studying any specific demand by Pyongyang for oil in exchange for shutting down a reactor and allowing international inspections.


Editor:Du Xiaodan