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Negotiators to talk on concrete measures for resolving DPRK issue


Source: | 02-08-2007 15:14

Negotiators from the US, the ROK, Japan and Russia all arrived in Beijing Wednesday.

The new phase of talks comes after a recess of nearly two months. Negotiators from the six parties will concentrate on concrete measures for resolving the crisis.

Jiang Yu, spokeswoman Chinese Foreign Ministry, said, "The core of this session is discussion of the actions and measures to implement the start phase of the September 19th Joint Statement."

Under the joint statement reached in September 2005, the DPRK agreed to abandon its nuclear program in exchange for economic aid and security guarantees.

On Wednesday, Chief Chinese negotiator Wu Dawei and his four counterparts other than the DPRK's, held intensive preparatory meetings for new session of the talks.

The US envoy voiced cautious optimism.

Christopher Hill, US chief nuclear negotiator, said, "I want to emphasize the real success will be when we complete the September '05 agreement - not just when we start the '05 agreement but when we finish it. So we are not going to finish that this week. We'll just maybe take a good first step. So we'll see how that goes."

South Korea's envoy is counting on a turning point.

Chun Yung-Woo, S.Korean chief nuclear negotiator, said, "The six-party talks are at a moment of truth. In this round, we must turn a corner in making the DPRK's pledge to denuclearize a reality."

Japan wants a constructive role in helping achieve progress.

Kenichiro Sasae, Japanese chief nuclear negotiator, said, "It's important that we take concrete steps for the denuclearisation of the DPRK. Each member of the six party talks will cooperate with each other to accomplish its goal and Japan is prepared to play its part in the process."

Russian representative Alexander Losyukov said Russia will propose working panels.

Apart from plenary sessions, chief negotiators will hold group meetings and one-on-one talks.


Editor:Du Xiaodan