Headline News


Six-party talks end with joint document


Source: | 02-14-2007 08:38

The six-party talks in Beijing have produced a major breakthrough. An agreement has been reached on the first step towards denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.

After a sleepless night, negotiators unanimously agreed on the first concrete action to resolve the nuclear dispute.

Wu Dawei, Chinese chief negotiator, said, "The six parties have worked out a joint document on the first step toward the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. This proves that the mechanism of Six-Party Talks is full of vitality and quite promising. All parties should shoulder common responsibilities in fully implementing the agreement. "

The deal will see the DPRK shut down its Yongbyon nuclear complex, seal all its facilities and allow IAEA inspectors back to the site within the 60 days. This is to ensure the DPRK's ability to produce weapons-grade plutonium is disabled.

In return, the country will receive fifty thousand tons of fuel oil or economic aid of equal value.

The DPRK will receive another one million tons of fuel oil, or equivalent aid, when it takes further steps to disable its nuclear capabilities. Those steps include providing a complete inventory of its plutonium.

The US has agreed to remove the DPRK from its list of state sponsors of terrorism. It will also remove trade sanctions against the DPRK.