Headline News


Ma Ying-jeou resigns from post of KMT chairman

Source: | 02-14-2007 08:56

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BEIJING, Feb. 13 (Xinhua) -- The leader of Taiwan's main opposition party, Ma Ying-jeou, has resigned from his post of Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT) after he was indicted on charges of corruption.

At a press conference held to announce his resignation, Ma protested his innocence and immediately declared for the first time that he would run for the 2008 Taiwan leader election if selected as the KMT candidate.

Taiwan prosecutors said Ma diverted 11 million New Taiwan dollars (333,000 U.S. dollars) from Taipei's special allowance funds to his private account when he was the mayor of Taipei.

The prosecutors did not say what jail term they would seek but say they would suggest the court gives Ma a light penalty if he is found guilty.

Taiwan prosecutors also indicted Yu Wen, former secretary of the Taipei mayor's office, on charges of forgery.

Indictments against five other people involved in the forgery case have been temporarily postponed, according to Taiwan prosecutors.

In August 2006, some Democratic Progressive Party members accused Ma of misusing special allowance funds while he was the mayor of Taipei, which led to the investigation.

Special allowance funds are allocated by the Taiwan authorities to the executive officers at various levels in Taiwan. Official receipts are only required for half of the special allowance funds, while the spending of the other half only requires the signature of the official.

Ma said earlier he would resign his post as KMT chairman if he was indicted.


Editor:Du Xiaodan