Headline News


World hails new breakthrough of Six-party talks

Source: | 02-14-2007 08:48

Delegates to the six-party talks and top leaders around the world have expressed satisfaction with the agreement reached Tuesday. But Japan says it will not go forward until the issue of the abductions of its nationals is resolved.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon strongly welcomed the agreement. He said in a statement that the accord can eventually strengthen the global nonproliferation regime, and contribute to peace, security and prosperity in the region.

The European Union also spoke highly of the agreement, saying it could help reduce proliferation threats globally.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, German FM, said, "The implementation of the agreement reached in Beijing could open up the opportunity to make an important step towards more stability in East Asia and especially on the Korean Peninsula."

The Russian Foreign Ministry says the results will help turn the Korean Peninsula into a nuclear-free zone and create conditions for better regional security.

The agreement also got a positive review from the White House in the US.

Tony Snow, White House Press Secretary, said, "These talks represent the best opportunity to use diplomacy to address North Korea's nuclear programs."

US Secretary of State, Condolezza Rice, said the six-party talks have taken a promising step in the right direction.

South Korea declared the agreement a milestone in the denuclearization of the Koreas Peninsula. South Korean President, Roh Moo-Hyun, said his country would soon to make efforts to fulfill the agreement.

But Japan said it would not cooperate with the DPRK until the issue of the abductions of its citizens by DPRK is resolved.


Editor:Du Xiaodan