Headline News


Iran: US incapable to start war

Source: | 02-25-2007 15:31

The Iranian Foreign Minister dismissed the threat of military strikes and called for more talks.

The deadline fell last Wednesday, but on Saturday, Iran's Foreign Minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, called for the resumption of negotiations. Mottaki dismissed the possibility of US military action against Iran.

Mottaki said, "The only way to reach a solution for these disputes is negotiation and talking We do not see America as being in a situation where it can create a crisis for its tax-payers at home by starting another war overseas."

Senior officials from the five permanent members of the UN Security Council are due to meet in London on Monday to discuss possible new sanctions against Tehran.

The United States, along with other countries, has accused Iran of seeking to develop nuclear weapons under the cover of civilian nuclear programs. Tehran has rejected these accusations, saying that its nuclear program is designed for exclusively peaceful use.


Editor:Du Xiaodan