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CCTV interview on CPPCC´s role from its members´ perspective


Source: | 03-04-2007 11:51

Special Report:   2007 NPC & CPPCC

What's the CPPCC's role from its members' perspective? And what are their expectations this year. Just before the session opened this afternoon, a CPPCC member was interviewed at the Great Hall of the people.

Jia Qingguo, CPPCC member, said, "It is the first day of the CPPCC session. Over 2,000 members from 34 areas, including politics, business, education, science and technology, and ethnic minorities are here, ready for the first plenary meeting. Before the members go into the Great Hall of the People for the start of the session, I invited Mr Jia Qingguo to talk about the on-going CPPCC session. Mr Jia is a professor from Peking University.

Q1: Professor Jia, the CPPCC is China's top advisory body. What unique role do you think the CPPCC plays in China's political, economic and social life?

Q2: It is the last year for you to serve as a 10th CPPCC member. During the past 5 years, the CPPCC has made an enormous contribution to the country's development. Which CPPCC achievements have impressed you most?

Q3: At the same time each year, CPPCC deputies bring their proposals. What proposals will you be taking to the session?

Q4: Finally, this session of the CPPCC lasts for 2 weeks. What are you expecting from the session?


Editor:Liu Fang