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President Hu advocates partnership of mutual trust, benefit with Russia

Source: Xinhuanet | 03-27-2007 08:58

Special Report:   President Hu visits Russia

MOSCOW, March 26 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao expounded his proposals on upgrading the Sino-Russian ties here on Monday, advocating a partnership of mutual trust and benefit between the two countries.

During a meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, Hu said China is willing to upgrade bilateral ties to a higher level with Russia as both sides face a crucial period of national construction and development in the next 10 years.

The Chinese president made several proposals to achieve the goal.

The two countries should become sincere political partners of mutual trust, further implement the Sino-Russian Good-Neighborly Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, take developing bilateral ties as priority in each other's foreign policy and enhance support on issues concerning each other's core interest, Hu said.

He suggested the two countries act as economic and trade partners of mutual benefit with a view to a win-win situation, carry out cooperation on the basis of mutual benefit while looking ahead to the future, and maintain the momentum of the fast development of trade, economic cooperation and mutual investment.

He said the two sides should implement a development program designed for bilateral trade and economic cooperation from 2006 to2010 and an agreement on encouraging and protecting inter-governmental investment.

The two sides should strengthen cooperation in infrastructure construction, energy, science, technology, nuclear power, and processing of raw material, Hu said.

"China supports and will assist Russia in joining the World Trade Organization at an early date," Hu said, asking the two sides to improve trade structure, maintain trade order and optimize investment environment.

Hu said the two sides should become partners of scientific cooperation aimed at innovation and expand cooperation in space, bio-engineering and information technology.

Hu said the two countries should play as harmonious and friendly partners of social and cultural cooperation in culture, education, health-care, sports and tourism.

In the end, he proposed the two sides become partners that help each other in security cooperation, strengthen strategic security cooperation, effectively respond to new threats and challenges, push forward security cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, maintain regional security and stability and combat the "three evil forces," namely terrorism, separatism and extremism.

The two countries should also coordinate closely to promote a multipolarized world, maintain strategic balance and stability in the world, cement consensus, eliminate disputes and conflicts, and contribute to world peace, stability and development, he said.

President Hu arrived here earlier Monday for a three-day state visit.


Editor:Du Xiaodan