Headline News


PLA officer: PLA troops in HK complete task of defense for past 10 years

Source: Xinhuanet | 06-21-2007 14:29

Special Report:   HK 10 Years
Special Report:   80th Anniversary of PLA

HONG KONG, June 20 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) garrison troops in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) have completed all tasks focusing on defense over the past ten years and gained much experience in the new environment, said Wang Jitang, commander of PLA garrison troops in Hong Kong.

Wang Jitang, commander of PLA garrison troops in Hong Kong

"All the tasks are fulfilled under the guidance of the 'One country, Two systems' principle and by strictly adhering to the Basic Law and the HKSAR Garrison Law," said Wang at a press conference here on the 10th anniversary of the stationing of PLA garrison troops in Hong Kong.

Since PLA garrison troops began to be stationed in Hong Kong in1997, the troops had been striving to conduct trainings of defense of all kinds, including land, air and sea trainings, he said.

Meanwhile, the troops had set up a mechanism of dealing with emergencies and actively conducted search and rescue exercises with relative departments of the HKSAR government, constantly improving the troops' comprehensive capability of carrying out its task of defense.

"Our troops and the relative departments of the HKSAR government have set up mechanism of coordination," he said.

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