Headline News


Born on the 1st of July, growing with the HKSAR


Source: | 06-25-2007 12:41

Special Report:   HK 10 Years

Both the Convention Center and the Golden Bauhinia Plaza have been silently witnessing the 10 year history of the Special Administrative Region. And in our next story, we have an living witness who's been growing up together with the SAR. The little girl in the photo is Leung Sum Mui, who was born right on July the first, 1997. She belongs to a typical middle class family.

As she gets ready to celebrate her birthday, Sum Mui is happy to show every visitor her photo album, a complete record of her short ten years.

Sum Mui's father, a bank manager, has been assigned to Shanghai. So Sum Mui and her mother usually spend the weekend with Sum Mui's grandparents.

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