Headline News


British PM Brown: Sino-UK relations are strong

Source: | 07-24-2007 14:42

Gordon Brown has held his first news conference as the British Prime Minister. CCTV's London correspondent Yang Zhen was there in Downing Street on Monday and raised a question about the state of Sino-British relations.

Yang Zhen said, "On July the 23rd in Downing Street, Gordon Brown gave his first news conference since he (was) sworn in. In answering CCTV's question, he answered that Sino-UK relations were strong. And he expected to meet with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao."

Brown said, "The relationship between China and the UK are very strong. The trade between China and Britain is growing very fast. It is not simply one way, it's two ways. And I'm delighted that many British companies are engaging with China right across the technologies. And there is a huge number of Sino-British cooperation. And there is a huge number of educational cooperation, with a large number of Chinese students, I think 60,000 are studying in British universities and colleges. And as you may know, during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, there will be a Sino-British cultural festival, which signifies the development of bilateral relations in the cultural level."


Editor:Du Xiaodan