Headline News


Overseas Chinese oppose Chen Shui-bian´s referendum attempt


Source: | 09-13-2007 13:18

Nearly 200 representatives from overseas Chinese communities in Africa have met in Johannesburg. High on their agenda was condemning Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian's attempt to push for a referendum on the island entering into the United Nations in the name of "Taiwan."

Overseas Chinese representatives from 7 African countries attended Wednesday's meeting. On behalf of 500,000 Chinese living in Africa, they released a statement opposing any separatist activities. The representatives stressed that overseas Chinese support President Hu Jintao's call for peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. They also urged the Taiwan authorities to stop any dangerous indepedence activities.

Zhong Jianhua, Chinese Ambassador to S.Africa, said, "The Chinese communities in the whole African continent have been greatly enraged by Chen Shui-bian's attempt to push forward the dangerous referendum plan for Taiwan's entry into the United Nations. We are here today to condemn the Taiwan authorities' indifference to the basic interests of the people on both sides. We also want to highlight our unreserved support for our nation's reunification cause."


Editor:Zhang Ning