Headline News


CPC appeal across generations


Source: | 10-16-2007 14:11

Special Report:   17th CPC National Congress

Since the Communist Party of China was founded in 1921, China has undergone tremendous changes under its leadership.

In 1960, a serious drought hit central China's Henan Province. Local people had to dig a canal by hand to meet their need for water. In the following 10 years, 100,000 of them were involved in the project, which later became a huge irrigation network. The Red Flag Canal remains a miracle in China's architectural history. But more important, it has always been used as an example of the spiritual treasure of self-reliance, hard-work, devotion, and solidarity.

79-year-old Ren Yangcheng helped build the Red Flag Canal. He often comes back to relive old memories.

Ren credits the spirit of "man being able to harness nature" with enabling the men and women of his time to complete such projects.

And CPC members like him always took the lead in facing hardships.

Ren Yangcheng said, "Chairman Mao Zedong led the PLA to liberate the whole country. Compared with that accomplishment, any difficulties should not be a big deal. We, as party members, were obliged to take the lead. Our mission at that time was to serve the people heart and soul."

This documentary shows Ren Yangcheng working on the Canal. Primitive conditions forced Ren and his fellow workers to use their ingenuity. Here, Ren is scaling the mountains to remove dangerous loose rocks.

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