Headline News


Japan´s PM calls for resuming mission


Source: | 11-02-2007 08:41

Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda

Japanese Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba has issued a command withdraw the Maritime Self-Defense Force, which has been undertaking the refueling mission for the US-led military operation in and around Afghanistan, from the Indian Ocean. Prime minister Yasuo Fukuda has reiterated that Japan must resume the mission.

In a statement, Fukuda stressed that the anti-terrorism war is related to Japan's national interests. He expressed his determination to enact a new bill to allow the resumption of the mission as soon as possible.

The prime minister also pledged to continue Japan's cooperation with the international community on the reconstruction of Afghanistan.

The Japanese supply ship Tokiwa and destroyer Kirisame are to return home Thursday night, and will arrive at their bases in Japan in three weeks.

The departure of the vessels marks the end, or the suspension, of the Japanese armed forces' first post-war overseas mission, which started in December 2001.

Japan says the Maritime Self-Defense Force has provided over 484 thousand kiloliters of oil to vessels from 11 countries.

The withdrawal of the fleet is in accordance with the expiration of Japan's special anti-terrorism measures law.

Although the Japanese government submitted a new bill to the Diet in mid-November to replace the expiring special measures law.. the refueling mission is unlikely to be resumed. The opposition camp strongly opposes the bill and is refusing to compromise on the matter.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei