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Chinese premier expounds on China´s opening up policy

Source: Xinhuanet | 11-20-2007 08:19

Special Report:   Premier Wen visits Singapore

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivers a speech during a gala dinner held in honor of him by Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Singapore, Nov. 19, 2007. (Xinhua Photo)

SINGAPORE, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao expounded on China's opening up policy here on Monday, saying China will unswervingly follow the set policy.

Delivering a speech entitled "Only an Open and Inclusive Nation Can Be Strong" at the National University of Singapore, Wen said the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China convened in October highlighted China's resolve to pursue reform and opening up and to build socialism with distinctive Chinese characteristics and its confidence in accomplishing this endeavor.

China's opening up policy is long-term, comprehensive in nature and based on mutual benefit, said the Chinese premier.

"China's opening up policy is a long-term one," Wen said, noting that the policy has brought great benefits to more than 1 billion Chinese.

China will not change the policy since a right policy benefits the country and enjoys the support of the people, Wen said.

"To deviate from this policy will only impede China's development and we will lose popular support," he said, "This is the fundamental reason why China will stay on the track of opening up."

"Opening up is crucial to China's reform and modernization endeavor. It is a basic state policy, not expediency," he said, "Though the specific measures and means to implement this policy may differ in different stages, the basic policy will not change."

"China's opening up is comprehensive in nature," Wen said, "We are open not only to the developed countries, but also to the developing countries. We are open not only in economy, but also infields such as science, technology, education and culture."

The Chinese premier said only by opening up can the country bring in advanced and useful practices.

"We should boldly absorb and draw upon all the achievements of the human society, including those of the capitalist countries, build on them and make innovations," Wen said.

"China's opening up policy is based on mutual benefit," he said in the speech. Singapore's Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew was present.

"We are developing a socialist market economy under the conditions of economic globalization, and this naturally means we should open ourselves to the world, build inter-dependent economic ties with other countries, gain close access to the international market and integrate ourselves into the world economy," he said.