Headline News


China, Laos seek stronger ties


Source: | 12-10-2007 08:14

The president and prime minister of the Lao People's Democratic Republic on Sunday met separately with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, who is paying an official visit to the country to enhance cooperation in all sides. (Xinhua Photo)

Chinese Foreign Minister, Yang Jiechi, has had a meeting in Laos with the country's President, Choum-mali Saig-nason.

Yang said both countries are pursuing economic development and improving living standards by upholding socialism and and opening up through reform. He said China is ready for stronger relations to benefit the people of both sides and promote regional stability and prosperity.

Choummali said exchanges have helped Laos reduce poverty. And he appreciated China's active role in international affairs.

Yang also met with the Prime Minister of Laos, Boua-sone Boupha-vanh, to discuss trade and economic relations. Yang said they should carry out agreed projects and improve energy and mine exploration. Bouasone said China is the biggest foreign investor in Laos and his country is ready to expand cooperation.


Editor:Zhang Ning