Headline News


Abbas meets French, Israeli leaders


Source: | 12-17-2007 08:27

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (R) and Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad are welcomed by France's President Nicolas Sarkozy (C) as they arrive at the Elysee Palace in Paris December 16, 2007. REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer

Israeli and French leaders have held talks with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Paris ahead of an international aid conference aimed at raising funds to support Abbas' government.

The Paris meeting is also seen as an important follow-up to last month's Mideast conference.

In Paris, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas held talks with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Abbas says the one-day donors conference is not only the financial sequel to last month's U.S.-sponsored Annapolis conference, but it also has a political objective.

The Annapolis conference relaunched formal peace talks with a goal to agree on Palestinian statehood by the end of 2008.

Abbas says President Sarkozy is committed to the Middle East peace process.

Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian President, said, "President Sarkozy has very strong relationships with all the parties, the Israelis and the Arab people, and it allows him to play an important role. He is also convinced of the need of having a viable Palestinian state. So, he has promised to do its utmost for the creation of this state. He has also promised important economic aid for Palestinians. "

France's President Nicolas Sarkozy (2nd L), flanked by his diplomatic advisor Jean-David Levitte (4th L) and Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner (L), meets Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (R) at the Elysee Palace in Paris December 16, 2007. REUTERS/Stephane de Sakutin/Pool (FRANCE)

But with Israeli checkpoints stifling economic development in the West Bank and Abbas locked in a power struggle with Hamas, there are doubts about how effective the donors' aid will be.

Israel has so far balked at removing its hundreds of checkpoints that criss-cross the occupied West Bank.

It has tightened security around the Gaza Strip since Hamas seized control in June.

President Abbas' spokesman says negotiations between Israel and Palestinians will resume on Sunday.

Palestinians want to see a clear decision from Israel on settlement activities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei