Headline News


China, India begin joint military drill


Source: | 12-22-2007 09:54

Special Report:   Indian PM Visits China

Chinese soldiers (left side) and India soldiers stands during the opening ceremony of the China-India Joint Anti-Terrorism Training code-named "Hand-in-hand 2007" in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province, Dec. 21, 2007. (Xinhua Photo)

Ground troops from China and India began their first joint anti-terrorism drill in the southwestern city of Kunming on Friday. China's Foreign Ministry says the joint exercise aims to enhance understanding and trust between the two sides.

Each army dispatched about 100 ground troops for the exercise, code-named "Hand-in-Hand 2007".

Both sides carried out their own training, before joining together for a series of tasks, including target-shooting and overcoming obstacles.

Commanders of the two troops say maintaining security and stability in the region is their common goal.