Headline News


Israel attacks Hamas target in Gaza


Source: | 01-02-2008 08:46

Israel says it will not remove the roadblocks which have proven to be an obstacle to Palestinian attacks.

Israeli forces attacked a Hamas target and killed a Hamas member Tuesday.

Israeli soldiers carry equipment near Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha after operating in the Gaza Strip December 27, 2007. REUTERS/Amir Cohen

On the same day, the Israeli government facilitated the return of about 100 Palestinians from Egypt to their homes in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas security forces say a Hamas member was killed and three others were wounded in an Israeli attack in central Gaza Tuesday. The injured men were taken to a hospital near the Israeli border for treatment.

Also on Tuesday, Israel's Defense Minister said roadblocks, which he says have been a proven obstacle to Palestinian attacks, will not be dismantled, except in isolated cases.

Ehud Barak, Israeli Defense Minister, said, "There is no chance of effectively fighting terror without practical daily controls in the field, and the roadblocks will stay."

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has been calling on the Israeli government to stop settlement construction and dismantle its separation barrier in the West Bank.

There's been one good sign around 100 Palestinians, stranded on the Egyptian border for months, crossed back to their homes in the Gaza Strip Tuesday.

An anonymous Israeli defense official says some 100 people crossed the frontier from Egypt into Israel and on to Gaza Tuesday following the same number the day before. He says more are expected to follow.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei