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US presidential candidates move to New Hampshire


Source: | 01-05-2008 09:44

US presidential hopefuls from both parties have moved their campaigning to the state of New Hampshire following surprise results in the Iowa caucus in which Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mike Huckabee emerged as winners.

U.S. Presidential candidate Barack Obama waves to supporters 
as he leaves an election rally in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 
Jan. 4, 2008. Obama, campaigning for the Jan. 8 New Hampshire 
Primary, won the Iowa Caucus Jan. 3. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

Iowa's first-in-the nation caucus has kicked off the nominating process for the 2008 US presidential elections. A win there often gives candidates the necessary momentum to secure their party's nomination in the general election.

Barack Obama, Democratic Presidential candidate said "Last night the American people began down the road to change. And four days from now, New Hampshire, you have the chance to change America."

Wins in the New Hampshire primary are equally crucial for candidates. And the state's primary on Tuesday is vital to other Democratic presidential hopefuls aiming to slow Obama's momentum.

John Edwards and Hillary Clinton are urging New Hampshire voters to repudiate the Iowa caucus results and vote for them.

John Edwards, Democratic Presidential Candidate said "I am the candidate for President of the US that is the people's candidate."